Image of a young woman sitting in an apartment on the second level surrounded by plants
Lisbon, Portugal

A Time to Wait

Today, I want to talk about waiting for God’s timing. I have a dream that I will be able to be a blogger, writer, singer, and so many other things as my full time job. I want to start working on that now and grow my audience and get everything finished perfectly right now but that’s not really an option for me. I’m super busy with school and the show I’m in and church! I get home at around 9:00 PM everyday and do homework, shower, then go to bed. So I don’t have much free time. My other “problem” is that every time I try to do something that God wants me to wait for, it doesn’t work out. I’ve been trying to song write and sing a lot more recently and also have a louder voice but that hasn’t been working. I keep on feeling like my art, my music is getting rejected even though plenty of people have told me it’s good. Now, I’ve realized that this is because God doesn’t want me to start doing that yet. Also, whenever I do stuff like that my voice hurts soooooo much and there’s nothing I can do but wait it out. Recently, I’ve realized how important it is to wait for God’s timing. It’s really hard because I just want to do everything. This is what God is telling me and I really think some of you need to hear this.

I know it hurts to wait.
I know it hurts to get rejected.
I know this hurts.

I have something planned
That you will love more than this.
You will be so grateful for it.

Take the time to wait for Me.
Take the time to wait for your dreams.

You are growing right now
And that is good.

So in some time,
You will be able to wear
These glass slippers perfectly.

You won’t have to struggle
To put them on anymore.
These slippers were made for you
But you need to look at me
Before they’ll fit perfectly.

If you’re always looking at your feet,
You’ll never find the beauty I see.
The beauty that fits so perfectly
Inside your bright, big dreams.

Wait, please.
Just wait, for Me. 
I can see you perfectly.

God is using you during this time in more ways than you can imagine. He knows it hurts. He knows your pain. Jesus’ ministry didn’t start until He was thirty years old. He had some shining moments when He was younger but God knew the world wouldn’t be ready until He was older. I promise that one day, just like Cinderella, you will wear your glass slippers and not lose them. God will always hold your hand and He will make it clear when your time has come. He believes in you so start today by believing in yourself.

A Time to Wait Blog Post Graphic | Image of a young women in an apartment sitting on the second floor surrounded by plants
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