All Posts By

Kiki Judith

woman sitting outdoors overlooking mountain range

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month

Introduction While most of us probably think that mental health awareness month is only about mental illness, everyone has mental health. In the spirit of it being mental health awareness month, I thought I'd share some about my mental health story and ideas for how you can take better care of your own mental health, whether or not you have a menta[...]

Image of Keegan's feet among the pink flowers that have fallen on the grass and sidewalk

Why I Left the Evangelical Church

Introduction Before I start talking about the evangelical church, I want to apologize for the abrupt hiatus. I am officially back now and will be focusing on getting back into the swing of things and making sure everything still works before doing anything super exciting. Long story short: I had finals and major projects, my health has been acting[...]

person holding white flower in her hands

10 Free Mental Health Resources for College Students

Trigger warning for mentions of self harm, suicide, trauma, and mental illness. If you are experiencing an emergency, please stop reading and call your local emergency number. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, again please stop reading and call one of your country's crisis lines. Lastly, keep in mind that I am not a mental health profess[...]

women with gay pride body paint

5 Tips For Coming Out to Non-Affirming Family

Introduction I recently got an email from one of my readers asking for advice on being authentic and coming out to non-affirming family. As someone who has chosen to only actively come out to select family members, I remember that feeling of fear, anger, shame, and everything else mixed together so clearly. I was lucky that I never worried about my[...]

Image of Kiki spinning in a floral top and grey leggings

How to Find Community When You Are Lonely

Introduction At this point, many of us are familiar with the millions of ways we can stay busy or have fun during quarantine. However, keeping ourselves entertained should not be the priority. Not only is scrolling endlessly on your phone unhealthy, but it also means you are falling prey to your technology (look into scrolling vs pagination). Just[...]

This Is My Song

I've spent so much of my time in fear that I wouldn't be taken seriously, wouldn't be understood, or wouldn't be respected for who I am. Thank you for teaching me that I can surround myself with people who do listen to my boundaries. I've spent even more time ashamed of the thoughts and actions that I thought were unholy, ungodly, or not what I should[...]

Image of Kiki's hand looking like she's holding a rainbow

21 Simple but Monumental Goals for 2021

Introduction To start off this new year right, I thought I would share my achievable goals for 2021 and how I made them. Usually my New Year's Resolutions are vague and uninspired. This year I'd like for them to be specific, straight forward, realistic, and inspired. What I mean by inspired is that I'm actually taking the time to think and pray abo[...]

Image of Kiki smiling in front of a zebra bedspread

The Birth of Jesus: When the Church & the Bible Disagree

Introduction I am so excited for today's post because this is something I've always knew, but didn't think deeply about until I heard it mentioned in a book. If you grew up in the church, then you are probably pretty familiar with the birth of Jesus. Ya know, that guy Christians just can't seem to get enough of. Yeah. Contrary to popular opinion, J[...]

Image of Kiki with glasses and a coral skirt whoosing in the air

Mary Magdalene: the Shocking Story of a Hidden Disciple

Introduction So many times when we think of women in the bible, we think of sexism and discrimination. Today, I'd like to point you to an uplifting feminist in the bible, Mary Magdalene. It's one that is blatantly obvious when you read the text yourself but has often been skipped over and even changed to diminish the power and influence women had i[...]

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