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Kiki Judith

The Book of the Month (a Must-Read for Every Woman)

*This post may include affiliate links which means that a portion of your purchase made from links in this article will go to me at no additional cost to you! I only include products that I own, have used, or badly want to keep my recommendations as honest and amazing as possible. Thanks so much for reading, you wonderful human! Read the full disclosu[...]

Woman looking to her left with her hair surrounding her in the woods.

A Discussion on Post-Traumatic Growth

Introduction I recently discovered the term, "post-traumatic growth." As someone who has C-PTSD, I was surprised that I had never heard of the phrase. It has been recently discovered as the one positive symptom of PTSD. Of course, I use the word positive lightly because there's nothing positive about trauma. However, it is a nice light in the midst[...]

A girl walking in a field with her back facing the camera.

What is Fast Fashion?

Background Information I watched an episode of The Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj titled, "The Ugly Truth of Fast Fashion." Not knowing what fast fashion was, I just watched the episode because I thought Hasan Minhaj was funny. I didn't know how much of a wake-up call it would be for me. In case you don't plan on watching a thirty-minute episode of[...]

A woman with brown hair smiling and holding a leaf covering the left side of her face.

A Guide to Planning

Introduction I'm one of those people who've always rolled my eyes at people who plan out their lives. This all changed when my concept of time and memory (unrelated to factual information) flew out the window. This has been happening over the last few years but it really ramped up this year. I would forget doctors' appointments, tests, homework, an[...]

Girl standing in a field and smiling.

Reflections on Physically Losing Someone

Introduction I'm not talking about losing someone because they've passed but losing someone because of a big move, differences in opinions, changing goals, new schedules, etc.. Even more specifically, I'm referring to losing someone's daily/semi-daily physical presence. Sometimes, we lose people even when both parties are very close and don't want[...]

If a Loved One Opens Up About Their Mental Illness

Go to the end of this post to find resources to talk and/or reach out for help. I know I've written many posts about mental illness but I don't think I've explicitly talked about responding to someone who's just shared their mental illness with you. First of all, I am not a trained mental health professional. This is just what I've learned from my[...]

How to Study

My Study Story My first semester in college is coming to a close and I thought it would be helpful for all of us if I talked about how to study for finals...while procrastinating on studying for finals. I took a lot of very challenging classes and if I hadn't learned how to study properly, I would have failed every single one. Everyone has differen[...]

My Big Idea

Introduction It might just be me who has crazy or seemingly impossible ideas that they want to make a reality. Hopefully, it's not, though. Today, I'd like to explain my own idea that will one day be a reality. It is a quest and I can't wait for it to unfold. If you want to know how to have big ideas like this, I am not the person to come to. I jus[...]

Lessons Learned from Almost, Maine

Introduction If you don't know that I'm really into theatre, then this post will be very eye-opening for you. Almost, Maine is a straight play with two acts written by John Cariani. Each scene is a different story about a specific relationship in an unofficial town called Almost in Maine. Some are happy and others are bittersweet, but they're all w[...]

Makeup is a Migraine Trigger

Introduction As most of you know, I love the performing arts and, specifically, theatre. I don't usually wear makeup in my everyday life unless there's a funeral or wedding or some other formal event. After modeling, I seem to have lost the majority of my makeup. Before performing in Almost, Maine, I went to the drugstore to get some temporary make[...]

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