

smiling woman with red hair

Living Gluten-Free in University: My Top 5 Tips

Introduction When I first started experiencing symptoms of a chronic illness, I heard a lot about how nutrition plays a major role in inflammation and chronic fatigue. I thought about the idea of going gluten-free and dairy-free for a while before I actually took the plunge. I quickly realized that dairy wasn't a problem for me, but I noticed a hug[...]

Image of a woman in a field reaching out towards the camera

The Frustrating Reality of Living with Brain Fog

Introduction Today, I decided to write about what it's like to live with brain fog. Brain fog is described as a state of confusion, forgetfulness, and inability to think clearly. It's not a condition, but an extremely common symptom of many chronic illnesses, such as POTS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Before I start, though, I need to say a few thi[...]

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