

women with gay pride body paint

5 Tips For Coming Out to Non-Affirming Family

Introduction I recently got an email from one of my readers asking for advice on being authentic and coming out to non-affirming family. As someone who has chosen to only actively come out to select family members, I remember that feeling of fear, anger, shame, and everything else mixed together so clearly. I was lucky that I never worried about my[...]

This Is My Song

I've spent so much of my time in fear that I wouldn't be taken seriously, wouldn't be understood, or wouldn't be respected for who I am. Thank you for teaching me that I can surround myself with people who do listen to my boundaries. I've spent even more time ashamed of the thoughts and actions that I thought were unholy, ungodly, or not what I should[...]

Image of Kiki smiling at the camera in a brown corduroy long sleeve flannel

Is Being Transgender or Non-Binary Sinful?

Introduction Starting today, we are now celebrating transgender awareness week! Since I've previously written about being a queer Christian, I've decided to write about the gender side of things as this is often forgotten, even in the LGB Christian community. For this reason, I'd like to share information, resources, and, of course, the bible verse[...]

Woman in a white tank top holding a gay pride flag | God's Love is Fully Inclusive & Not Abusive

God’s Love is Fully Inclusive & Not Abusive

Introduction Recently, I've been hearing the phrase "God's love is fully inclusive" everywhere in the queer Christian community and I really like it. It's even a part of one of my first listings on Etsy! Look! You can buy this beauty, here. This phrase isn't only important for queer Christians, though. While it can also function as a valuable[...]

Image of a woman wearing a white shirt and a rainbow skirt with her back to the camera

Love For the Queer Christian Girl

Introduction I heavily debated what I should write about this week in light of current events. However, this post is something that God has put on my heart as something that needs to be published today. With that being said, I still wanted to include some resources for how you can help bring awareness to and make change in the racial injustice goin[...]

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