

Image of Kiki smiling in a field of wildflowers and trees

Why I Left Social Media & Why I Might Come Back

Introduction If you follow me on any of my social media accounts, you may have noticed that I haven't been very active recently. One reason for that is because I've been all out of spoons, but the other is way more important and what I'm talking about today. More and more people, articles, and studies are beginning to speak up about the harm that s[...]

A girl standing in a field of red tulips with her back to the camera and looking to her left.

For the Girl Struggling to Defeat her Loneliness

Introduction I've moved, lost friends, been in lockdown for over a month (thanks coronavirus), watched friends move away, been pushed aside, walked into a room full of strangers, and carried heavy burdens without the help of anyone else. I've done all this many times before and will probably experience at least some of these again. Most of these ev[...]

A woman in a greenhouse smiling with her eyes closed.

The Distraction Corner with Kiki Judith

Introduction In light of current events, I am aware of how easy it is to feel scared and stressed about the near future. That is why I am creating a 20 day challenge of sorts to help us not feel alone or bored when we are staying at home. Most importantly I want to start this challenge to prevent us from feeling overwhelmed by all of the negative n[...]

The Power of the Present

Trigger warning for mentions of sexual abuse beginning in the 'End of an Era' section. The End of an Era I have some major news that will change the face of the trauma survivor community. Hopefully, it will allow any of you who have experienced trauma to stay in the moment for a little bit, knowing that you are believed. The False Memory Synd[...]

I Need to Honor Myself: the Logic Behind Self Love

Introduction I was listening to a podcast called Meditative Story when I couldn't sleep a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes, I'm able to fall back to sleep after listening to an episode because of the calm voices and quiet music. It's just really relaxing. Anyways, one episode really stuck with me. The guest said, "I need to honor bravery in myself so[...]

Five Ways to Improve Your Day

Introduction Recently, I've had many a long day. I've woken up at 2 o'clock in the morning to never return back to sleep or I have headaches that never go away or just don't feel great for no reason at all. There are a couple of things that never fail to make me feel a little bit better, though, and I thought I should share these self care habits w[...]

Positive Thinking for the Struggling Optimists

INTRODUCTION When you think about yourself, do you dislike yourself? Do you believe you are too far gone to amount to anything? Do you feel like you are a lost cause? Or do you see yourself with love and forgiveness? When you think about yourself, do you know that you are doing good in the world? When you think about the world, are you overwhelmed[...]

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